Senior level data consultancy with love


Offering high quality quality data consulting with almost a decade of experience. Focused on high quality data engineering and architect work. My roots are deep in Microsoft technologies from MS SQL Server to Azure Databricks and everything in between. I can provide wide range of services including complex database and data modelling work as well as Power BI development. I am also certified DataVault 2.0 practitioner.

Core offering

Data platform architecture and consulting

Data platform design, workshops, help with data architecture, best practices or even ad hoc analytical needs.

Data modelling and engineering

Helping to build scalable data platform solutions, design complex data models and integrate your systems to provide insights for your business.

End to End data services

Besides architecture design and engineering, Tuadata also provides high quality reporting solutions.


Data architecture, cloud tools and design

Data engineering



Key projects

Smart HR and payroll: 2023 / 8 – 2024 / 5

Agile Methods – Azure Data Factory – Azure DevOps – Azure SQL Database – Data Management – Data Modelling – Data Visualization – Data Warehousing – ETL – Git – Power Shell – SQL

Energy: 2020 / 3 – 2023 / 2

Building data platform solution. My main task was DV2.0 modelling, database optimization and publish layer design. Also worked with orchestration and Jenkins configurations. Data sources consisted of APIs, files, flat files etc.

Pension insurance: 2019 / 6 – 2020 / 2

Worked as BI consultant for a Finnish pension insurance company. Responsibility was to work with SSAS Tabular models and Power BI reporting related to real estate, other investments and insurances. Also helped with dimensional modelling.

Manufacturing: 2017 / 8 – 2019 / 6

Agile Methods – Data Management – Data Visualization – Data Warehousing – DAX – ETL – Git – Microsoft SQL Server – Power BI – SQL – SSIS/ SSRS/ SSAS

Worked as a consultant to help the customer with near real-time analytics for quality
assurance in their factories located in multiple time zones for unified quality data
platform. Platform also worked as a data warehouse for quality reporting. Worked with
data modelling, stored procedure and SSIS based integrations and SSRS/SSAS/Power
BI based reporting. Also helped thecustomer with MDM. Same customer followed me
and my colleague from previous employer to next one



Customer Smart HR and payroll
Customer Smart HR and payroll

About Tuadata

Founded 2023 by Miika Arvola (MSc tech). Tuadata is Tampere based, AI since birth, experienced, trustworthy, efficient, relaxad and highly skilled one man data consultancy. Specialized on complex data problems within various industries.

Ask for services or CV.

What Tuadata stands for?


Tuadata offers highly experienced data consulting for multiple industries with almost 10 years of experience.


With Tuadata, the customer can trust to achieve high quality data solutions.


If something is agreed on, it will be done with high quality.